As many of you are probably aware, there is a drive underway this April 1st, for bloggers to unite and donate to the organization Feeding Am...
DIY Canopy Beds
DIY Canopy Beds Blakes Hotel London Canopy Bed Left: Dominio Canopy Bed Right: Anthony Todd Canopy Bed To achieve the abov...
What are you going to do with your week?
If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." - John Quincy Adams Patricia Gra...
Earth Hour 2009
This year, Earth Hour 2009 has been transformed into the world’s first global election, between Earth and global warming. For the first ti...
Ice-Bag Wine Chiller
The Ice-Bag Wine Chiller is a new product that has just hit the North American Market. It is a clear plastic wine tote and chiller th...
Ibiza Interior Design and Architecture
Ibiza. Even the word has magic. One thinks of beautiful Interior Design and Architecture ; of nightclubs that open at dawn; of a night lif...
Benjamin Moore Virtual Fan Deck
As this week marks the beginning of Spring and pink is a color I associate with spring as the cherry trees are starting to blossom , I have ...
Miele Limited Edition Chocolate Laundry
A few weeks ago a package arrived in the mail, and to my surprise when I opened it, there was a box of chocolates in shiny brown wrapping ti...
How to CLEAN and CARE for LUCITE
Lucite and acrylic (which is the generic name for this plastic), have become popular materials for furniture,tables, lamps, hardware, tra...
Six Things About About Me
I have been tagged by the marvelous Maria .... soooo the rules of the game are to divulge 6 facts/habits and trivia about myself..... ...
Palm Springs Images and the Colony Palms Hotel
These are a few of my favourite pictures from my visit to Palm Springs. The weather was dry and warm. The Moroccan -inspired Colony Palms ...