There's something so cheerful and upbeat about bunting...that's why I love it.

And that's also why, at times, {shock, horror} I also loathe it.

Am I the only one in the world?

Just because it's shaped like bunting, doesn't automatically make it beautiful. I find can look gaudy and brash if it's not quite right, which, I know, has it's place, but it's not what I wanted in our girls bedroom.

I hunted high and low for exactly the right bunting for the bedroom.
Gentle, sweet, feminine and classic was what I was after.

Did I find the bunting of my dreams?

Ooooh, yes!!

Will I be sharing on Friday?
You betcha...!

Images via: Yahohoic, Nicety, Case De Verano, Ideal Home, Casa De Verano


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